A Dream Car, Come True!

This past Saturday, I brought my mom her dream car. This has been something I’ve always said I’ll do and finally, I DID IT. My mom LOVES Volkswagen Beetles and to finally be in the position to bless her with her dream car was a dream come true for me as well. I say it was a dream come true for me because I wasn’t always in the position to bless her with a car, let along her dream car. We would see this car often while out together and one of us would point it out and say something positive about it. She would say, “Oh look at my car. I just love it” and I’d say something like “I’m going to get that car for you momma. It looks just like you.” In addition to seeing it so many times and me coming to the realization that we both need a car, not just me, I decided to get it for her.

Being able to put smiles on my loved ones faces by blessing them makes me SO happy. This is what it’s about for me. I truly believe that we are blessed to be a blessing to others.

I would also like to point out an important part of this post and it’s simply saying, don’t give up on things that seem to be too big at the moment. Any and everything that you dream to be possible for yourself can become your reality. As cliché as it may sound, it’s definitely possible. BUT what it will take is work along with mindset shifting. I could say this to you all day but if you aren’t working towards it and if you feel as if it’s not possible for you, well it won’t be, simple as that.

The funniest part was getting her to drive her dream car off the lot. It’s a push to start, has Bluetooth, heated seats, a sunroof etc. and I believe all of that intimidated her at first but now, she’s comfortable and driving it around looking cute! Sidenote: My dad use to always drive her around that’s what she meant in the video when she said, “you know your dad wouldn’t want that” LOL!


What you can do to start doing the work on believing:

  1. Start by getting crystal clear on what you want.
  2. Write it down.
  3. Put money to the side if what you want will cost money.
  4. Speak positively about it. Imagine yourself with it.
  5. And lastly, you have to WORK. Nothing drops out of the sky for anyone.




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