You Are a Woman, That’s Your POWER!

Today, I was talking with my old roommate from L.A. and she told me that my recent blog post came across her Facebook suggestions as one of the things she should read. Immediately, she noticed it was my blog and decided to read the post. She texted me before our phone call and said, “Hey Paris I just read your new blog post. First of all, I wanted to tell you that you write very beautifully. Very eloquent, and sincere. I didn’t know that you had that talent.” Just the thought of her taking the time to read my post made my heart smile but for her to thoroughly enjoy my post made me extremely happy!!!

Reason being is I get “signs” every day that I should post more of my art and with me trying to become more consistent with blogging, I took this as another sign such as: if you don’t put it out there who knows you have the talent. If you don’t speak about what you have going on, how could anyone support you? If you don’t pursue what makes your heart smile how would you ever know where your purpose lie?

While catching up with her, I thanked her again for sending me the beautiful text and taking the time out to read my post. She again told me how beautiful my writing is and I replied “Thank You” kind of like no big deal, she immediately caught my tone and asked did I not think it was good? I replied, “yes, but I don’t look at myself as an author or anything.” Immediately, I stopped in my tracks and asked her, “Why do we do that?” Why as women do we downplay our accomplishments?” We both paused for a second and she said something along the lines of us not thinking what we do is enough. Then she proceeded to say that her entire family made a huge deal over her male cousin graduating from high school (this is in NO WAY DOWNPLAYING GRADUATING FOR HIGH SCHOOL) but she stated there were no congrats in order for her when she was accepted into this really elite research program this past summer. She also stated that they didn’t say much when she graduated early from high school. We both wondered what’s up with that then had to take a look at ourselves and see if we’re treating our own accomplishments as no big deal.

To be honest, I know I do at times…Heck! I just did it on the phone today with her when she complimented my writing and I said the silly statement of me not being an author! WHAT IN THE WORLD am I feeding my subconscious mind? So before getting off the phone, I told her that this entire conversation just sparked a new blog post (you know with me trying to be consistent and all, LOL) and it will flow with the pictures I just took the day before. 

Here I am wearing a t-shirt from Happy Yourself that reads the different hats I wear.  This t-shirt has an image of an African American Woman in which I am proud to be however, I am speaking to all women when I say we all wear different hats such as a teacher, activist, sister, mentor, companion, mother, friend peacekeeper, entertainer, visionary & leader. And we don’t give ourselves enough credit for being all those things sometimes all in one day! So, I had to take a look at the woman in the mirror and think about her accomplishments past and present and I just had to give myself a pat on the back for being relentless when it comes to accomplishing my goals.

I thought about when I was opening Classy Closet and how I worked 3 jobs so I wouldn’t have to take out any loans for my business. I thought about when I wanted to experience life in another state so I applied for Grad school in Mankato, MN., got accepted without having to take the GRE because I had an A average in college, packed up my entire life in my car and drove cross-country with my family just to go after what I wanted. I thought about when I decided I wanted to become SGA Vice President in my junior/senior year in undergrad and how my tribe and I campaigned for an entire week and I won! I thought about how nervous I was before giving my speech about why I am the best candidate for the position and while up there, snippets from Barak Obama’s speech started flowing out of my mouth about wanting to see change and yes we can (this wasn’t planned) and afterwards, I received a standing ovation and won by a landslide as the Student Government Association Vice President 2008-2009. I thought about how I quit my job in college to focus on school and when people would ask me what I would do about my car note and insurance I said I’m trusting in God because right now my grades aren’t what I know they should be and I just need to focus on school & not this job. That was in August 2007 and in December 2007 I walked into JP Morgan Chase and told them I’m giving myself an early birthday and Christmas present so draft the reminding balance of the car loan out of my account right now, which was $10,000. If I wouldn’t have trusted my gut, I would’ve continued being a slave to a dollar and a D student.  I thought about how I decided I wanted to go back and get my Masters, applied, was accepted, worked, ran Classy Closet from my apartment, blogged and had a social life.  I thought about how I wanted to put Classy Closet’s clothes in small boutiques instead of just online and a few days after speaking it into existence,  I received an email from a start-up boutique on Southern University’s campus asking me could I come in and give a presentation on my clothes. I remember seeing people walk around campus looking fabulous wearing Classy Closet merchandise. I remember I was the top seller in the store and every Monday I was picking up a check from everything that was sold the week prior. I remember thinking this is a good life for a grad student I want to put Classy Closet in more boutiques and then received a text from a purse boutique in New Orleans who wanted to diversify their inventory and asked would I like to put Classy Closet’s merchandise in their store. I remember receiving a check from this boutique every Friday. This is how I put myself through Grad school. I quit my job and just focused on school and business.  I thought about 6 years ago how my dream of moving to LA flopped but then I tried again, lived there for an entire year and 5 months as a full-time entrepreneur. These are only a few things I’ve accomplished by the grace of God BUT, what I want you to take away from this is, we should stop downplaying what season we are in & what we’ve accomplished because at one time if you’re really honest with yourself, you are exactly where you’ve always wanted to be AND if you’re not, you have the power to change your situation. Move! Do SOMETHING about it girl, you’re not a tree! You’re a woman & that within itself is POWER!!!!!

Paris Wears:

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